Get to know the Church > Hours & Access




Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:30 am – Noon
12:30 – 4 pm

hours & access

weekday office hours

Monday to Friday (except holidays)
8:30 am – 12:00 Noon
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

how to access the church?

During office hours, while there is no Mass or Adoration, you can come by the east door entrance.
Please buzz when you arrive and we will open the door for you.

where to park?

Parking it is available on 4th street.

how to get to the church?

327-4th Street, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 3H1


thought of the month

“Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and every believer. Above all it is a time of grace.”

— Pope Francis
