Get to know us > Serra Club

Meetings on the first Tuesday of every month.

Serra Club

The Serra Club of Brandon was founded in 1978. One of the founding members, Ken Fox, is an active member to this day. Serra Brandon is a member of the Serra Council of Canada, which in turn is a member of Serra International.

The goals of Serra International are to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and to encourage the spiritual and intellectual formation of lay Catholics so as to help them live their own Christian vocation to service. This is also the goal of the Serra Club of Brandon.

Brandon Serrans gather twice a month, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, after the 9:30 am mass. Meetings generally consist of a short business meeting, followed by a programme led by one of the members. These programmes are generally chosen to encourage/challenge us to look at our own vocation in life, to look at issues pertinent to the Church, and to how the Church relates to the world.

The biggest activity that the Serra Club of Brandon is engaged in is to host the Clergy and Religious Appreciation dinner for the clergy (priests and deacons) and religious of the Westman and Parklands Deaneries, held in October. There is also good representation from the parishioners of the parishes of the two deaneries, and upwards of 180 people attend this gathering. There is always a theme to the evening, and a speaker who gives a short talk addressing the theme.

Serra sponsors an Essay Contest in St Augustine’s School for the graduating Grade 8 students, to help them to understand what Vocations is about, and to encourage them to look at their own vocation in life. Invite your children, grandchildren, or friends to look into this.

We send Anniversary of Ordination or Profession cards to the present clergy and religious of our Deanery, as well as ordination anniversary cards to any clergy who have ever served at St. Augustine’s.

Serrans also support our elderly and home bound clergy and religious through visits and cards.

Present members of the Serra Club of Brandon include Beverley Hicks, President; Deacon John and Carol MacKenzie, Ken and Dianne Fox, Judy Cancade,  Joe Kiazyk, Jocelyn Kehler,  Rod Ferris and our chaplain, Fr. John Okosun.

You can speak to any member about the joy of being a Serran. We are like a close-knit little family, there to build the family of God, to rejoice with one another in good times, and give comfort and support in sad times.

We invite you to attend a meeting on any second or fourth Wednesday of the month in Room 108 after the 9:30 am mass. COME, SEE, STAY!

Pray for Vocations to the priesthood, the diaconate, and the religious life.

Blessed Junipero Serra, pray for us.
Mary, Mother of Vocations, pray for us.